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Your Questions Answered

Below are some frequently asked questions that we hope will give you the confidence you need to make OffTheScale your partner in bringing you the health and lifestyle you deserve. We look forward to seeing you soon.

1. Who can enroll in OTS?

OffTheScale is primarily designed to help those suffereing from a Chronic Disease like Obesity, or related Chronic Conditions. You can't join OTS without first receiving an OTS prescritpion from your Primary Care Physician, Employer or Insurance Company.


2. What if I never exercised before?

Many participants have not exercised recently. OffTheScale programming is modified to fit your current fitness level.  We start slow and build up over the​


3. What if I have a prior injury?

All participants should consult their physician prior to starting OffTheScale and must have clearance for independent exercise.

7. What do we do in the session?

Each weekly session is 60-minutes in length (Approx 20-minutes exercise, 20 minutes nutrition education, 20-minutes lifestyle planning).


8. What happens outside the sessions?

OTS provides everyone with an activity band to track your activity, exercise, and sleep. In addition, if you have an Apple or Android smartphone, OTS provides you with a mobile application that contains program content, alerts and tools to help you along the way. For those without a smartphone, we provide you all the information you need in the classes to make improvements in your health.


9. Is my information kept private?

Yes 100%. OffTheScale protects the confidentiality and security of healthcare information in compliance with the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) (learn more here


10. What should I expect when I complete this porgram?

OffTheScale is dedicated to achieving positive outcomes related to your weight and health. Maintenance or reduction in weight, weight management skills, relief from the symptoms of chronic disease, and a feeling of well-being are just a few of the benefits experienced.


11. What happens after I complete the 12 week program?

When you graduate the 12 week program, we will not abandon you. Many people will continue with our 9 month maintenance program. After those 12 months, OffTheScale has a sustainability program called OTS-4-LIFE which includes access to in-person sessions, and online tools for ongoing community support. Once an OTS participant, always an OTS member.


12. What if I have more questiouns that were not answered?

Email us at


4. What if I miss a weekly session?

Attendance is necessary in order to create positive changes in your health. You can’t attend the program if you miss the first week.  If you have to miss session due to travel or sickness, we will provide you the material covered so you can catch-up.  However, you can not miss more than 4 of the 12 weekly sessions and still graduate.​


5. What does OffTheScale cost?

OffTheScale is often paid for by your employer or reimbursable through your insurance company.  OTS is not available to everyone, and you have to be referred to the program.

6. Do I need to bring anything to the session?

No, we will supply everything you need. Just wear comfortable attire and comfortable shoes or sneakers (sneakers are not necessary, but no heels on shoes).​


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